
The Reason Why Search Engines Beat Social Media

You’re wardrobe is getting outdated and worn out. You’re looking to buy a new pair of jeans to add to your collection. You have two options for finding your new pair of jeans—using a search engine like Google or through social media like Facebook. If you’re like most people, given your choices, the first thing you’re going to do is a quick Google search. The reason why may baffle you.

“If you’re like most people, given your choices, the first thing you’re going to do is a quick Google search.”

As a business owner, your objective is to generate revenue/profit for your company. To help get sales for the company, you spend X amount of dollars on your marketing and advertising budget every month. The new wave taking over the marketing world that business owners have adapted to is to spend as much of the marketing budget on Social Media Marketing to influence followers and convert them into paying customers. The excitement of Search Engine Marketing has fizzled and faded long ago.

“The new wave taking over the marketing world that business owners have adapted to is to spend as much of the marketing budget on Social Media Marketing to influence followers and convert them into paying customers.”

Social Media Marketing is the wild, wild, west of the marketing world. So much so, that some people have considered Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization dead. But are the critics of Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization justified in laying down the final nail in the coffin this early? The answer is absolutely not.

“…some people have considered Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization dead.”

Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing provides different methods of reaching out to customers. You may be surprised that, on average, people spend 40% more on products when purchased through Search Engine Marketing/Optimization ($90.40) as opposed to Social Media Marketing ($64.19). The reason for this is simple—it has to do with the intent of the customers when they encounter an ad on each platform.

You may be surprised that, on average, people spend 40% more on products when purchased through Search Engine Marketing/Optimization ($90.40) as opposed to Social Media Marketing ($64.19).”

People using search engines to find products have a specific intent in mind. When they want to purchase a product they’ll make it clear in their search terms (for example: where can I buy a new pair of jeans OR buy cheap brand name jeans online). Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization plays into the intent by allowing business owners to adapt their website content into the language of their customers. By finding out what your customers are looking for and adapting to that language on your website, you’ll rank higher on search engines which will lead to higher sales conversion.

Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization plays into the intent by allowing business owners to adapt their website content into the language of their customers.”

Social Media Marketing on the other hand has a lot more noise when it comes to your sales pitches. People use social media to connect with friends and family and get updated on news. When advertisements are shown to people on social media, they may or may not be in a state of mind to be able to receive and process that information—let alone act on your call to action. Think about your state of mind when you’re reaching for the Yellow Pages vs. when a TV commercial comes on. Because people mainly use social media to pass time and for entertainment, the specific intent to buy isn’t always there. That’s the exact reason why Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization beat Social Media, even if Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization may not be as hip or cool as it used to be.

When advertisements are shown to people on social media, they may or may not be in a state of mind to be able to receive and process that information—let alone act on your call to action.”

When you’re thinking about how to spend your marketing dollars, consider the tried and tested method with Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.  The Lucky Tekkie Inc. can help your business reach your targets.  Contact us today to complete your next marketing project!

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