The term meeting or exceeding your bottom line was a common expression in the business world of the past.  In that world, businesses were primarily concerned with one thing, and that one thing was money.  Businesses of the past were only concerned with making a profit, which was key to survival.  The term meeting or

Here’s How You Can Exceed Your Triple Bottom Line and Save The Planet at the Same TimeRead More »


You’re wardrobe is getting outdated and worn out. You’re looking to buy a new pair of jeans to add to your collection. You have two options for finding your new pair of jeans—using a search engine like Google or through social media like Facebook. If you’re like most people, given your choices, the first thing

The Reason Why Search Engines Beat Social MediaRead More »


Herman Melville said it best when he stated, “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”  The reason this is such an awesome quote is because it encourages people, businesses and industries to be innovative to discover unique solutions to their problems.  It’s always best to be original with your business

You Don’t Have To Be An Industry Leader To Be OriginalRead More »